
First United Methodist Church

Wabash, IN

Reynolds Associates, Inc. 2021

III Manuals/47 Ranks – 2,786 pipes


Great Organ – Manual I (14 ranks - 830 pipes)

16’ Dulciana                                        analog ext. to Dulciana

8’ Principal                                          61 new pipes (1-12 in façade)

8’ Second Diapason                            from 4’ Octave; 1-12 from 8’ Principal

8’ Bourdon                                          49 new pipes, metal (1-12 shared with Hohlflöte)

8’ Hohlflöte*                                       61 older pipes (Melodia, revoiced)

8’ Dulciana*                                        61 older pipes (1-12 in façade)

8’ Unda Maris                                     49 new pipes

4’ Octave                                             61 new pipes

4’ Second Octave                                from Fifteenth (1-12 from Octave)

4’ Koppel Flute                                   61 newer pipes (existing Choir)

2’ Fifteenth                                         61 newer pipes (Swell 2’ Principal, revoiced)

IV Fourniture (1 1/3’)                        244 new pipes

8’ Cornopean                                      61 vintage pipes

8’ Trompete                                        Swell

8’ Fanfare Trumpet                             1-61 new pipes

Great to Great 16’/Unison Off/4’

Swell to Great 16’/8’/4’

Choir to Great 16’/8’/4’

Echo to Great 16’/8’/4’


Swell Organ – Manual III          (15 ranks – 921 pipes)

16’ Lieblich Gedeckt                          1-61 existing Swell

8’ Geigen Diapason                            73 pipes  (ST – MI)

8’ Gedeckt                                           1-7 from 16’ Lieblich; 8-61 older pipes

8’ Viola*                                              49 older pipes (old Choir Geigen)

8’ Voix Celeste                                    49 older pipes (ST)

8’ Salicional                                         61 older pipes (ST)

4’ Geigen Octave                                (from 8’)

4’ Harmonic Flute*                             61 older pipes

4’ Salicet                                              from Salicional

2 2/3’ Nazard                                      61 pipes (existing Choir)

2’ Piccolo                                             (from Harmonic Flute, 62-73 new pipes)

1 3/5’ Tierce                                       61 pipes (existing Choir)

1 1/3’ Larigot                                      from 2 2/3’ Nazard; top octave repeats

III-IV Plein Jeu                                  244 newer pipes (composed from existing mix.)

16’ Bassoon                                         from Oboe (existing revoiced)

8’ Trompete                                        61 new pipes

8’ Oboe                                               1-49 existing Fagot; 50-61 new pipes

4’ Clarion                                            from 8’ Trompette (62-73 new pipes)

8’ Fanfare Trumpet                             from Great

8’ Cor Glorieux                                   from Echo

8’ Trumpet                                          from Echo

8’ Labial Oboe                                    from Echo


Momentary Tremulant

Swell to Swell 16’/Unison Off/4’

Choir to Swell 8’

Echo on Swell


All Swells to Swell

Choir Organ – Manual I)            (4 ranks – 268 pipes)

8’ Still Flote                                        73 newer pipes

8’ Gemshorn                                       85 new pipes

8’ Gemshorn Celeste                          49 new pipes

4’ Gemshorn                                       from 8’

4’ Flute d’Amour                                from 8’

2’ Gemshorn                                       from 8’

8’ Clarinet                                           61 existing pipes (reconditioned)

8’ Fanfare Trumpet                             from Great

Choir to Choir 16’/Unison Off/4’

Swell to Choir 16’/8’/4’

Great to Choir 8’



Echo Organ – Manual I, Ancillary       (11 ranks – 647 pipes)

8’ Diapason                                         61 pipes (ST – 45 sc)

8’ Stopped Diapason*                         61 older pipes (existing Gt. Bourdon)

8’ Gambe                                            61 pipes (ST-MT)

8’ Gambe Celeste                               49 new pipes (ST-MT)

8’ Muted Viol                                     61 new pipes (ST-MT)

8’ Viol Celeste                                    49 new pipes (ST-MT)

4’ Principal                                          61 newer pipes (existing Swell Prestant)

4’ Flauto Traverso                              1-73 vintage pipes (ST)

2’ Flautino                                           from Flauto Traverso

8’ Cor Glorieux                                   61 vintage pipes (ST)

8’ Trumpet                                          61 pipes (existing Great)

8’ Oboe Gamba                                  1-12 from Cor Glorieux; 49 vintage pipes (ST)

Echo to Echo 4’

Choir Echo Off




Pedal Organ           (3 ranks – 120 pipes)

32’ Subbourdon                                  Resultant

16’ Contra Bass                                   1-12 analog ext. to Pedal 8’ Octave (loud/soft)

16’ Bourdon*                                       44 older pipes

16’ Lieblich Gedeckt                          (from swell)

16’ Dulciana                                        1-12 analog ext. to Dulciana (loud/soft)

16’ Echo Bourdon                              32 pipes in antiphonal chamber

8’ Octave                                             44 pipes (existing Gt. 8’ Principal)

8’ Bourdon                                          (from 16’)

8’ Still Flute                                        (from 16’ Lieblich)

8’ Viola                                                (Swell Viola)

4’ Choral Bass                                     (from Pedal Octave)

4’ Koppelflute                                     (Great Koppelflute)

32’ Contra Trombone                        analog ext. to Cornopean

16’ Trombone                                     (analog extension to Cornopean)

16’ Bassoon                                         (Swell Bassoon)

8’ Cornopean                                     (Great)

8’ Oboe                                              (Swell Oboe)

4’ Oboe                                              (Swell Oboe)

Great to Pedal 8’, 4’

Swell to Pedal 8’, 4’

Choir to Pedal 8’, 4’

Echo to Pedal




Pipework Analysis


Great Organ

New Pipes: (7 rks)

8’ Principal 1-61

8’ Bourdon 13-61

8’ Dulciana 13-61

IV Fourniture (1 1/3’) 1-61

Existing Pipes: (4 rks)

8’ Hohlflote 1-61

8’ Dulciana 1-61

4’ Koppelflote 1-61

2’ Fifteenth 1-61

Vintage Pipes:

8’ Cornopean 1-61


Swell Organ

New Pipes:

2’ Piccolo 62-73 (ext. Harmonic Flute)

8’ Oboe 1-12; 50-61

8’ Trumpet 1-73 (copper)

Existing Pipes: (10 rks)

8’ Geigen Diapason 1-61

8’ Gedeckt 1-61

8’ Salicional 1-61

8’ Voix Celeste 13-61

4’ Harmonic Flute 1-61

2 2/3’ Nazard 1-61

1 3/5’ Tierce 1-61

III-IV Plein Jeu (1-61) reassorted from existing

8’  Oboe 13=49

16’ Bassoon 1-12



Choir Organ

New pipes

8’ Gemshorn 1-85 (1-12 Haskell)

8’ Gemshorn Celeste 13-61

Existing Pipes (2 rks)

8’ Still Flute 1-73

8’ Clarinet 1-61




Echo Organ


Existing Pipes:

8’ Geigen Diapason 1-61 (existing Choir)

8’ Stopped Diapason 1-61 (existing Great Bourdon)

Vintage Pipes:

8’ Oboe Gamba 1=73

8’ Gambe 1-61

8’ Gambe Celeste 13-61

8’ Muted Viol 1-61

8’ Viol Celeste 13-61

8’ Cor Glorieux 1-61

8’ Muted Trumpet 1-61

8’ Stopped Diapason 62-73


Pedal Organ

New Pipes


Existing Pipes (3 rks)

16’ Bourdon 1-44

16’ Lieblich Gedeckt 1-44

8’ Octave 1-44

Analog Voice Extensions:

16’ Trombone 1-12

16’ Contrabass 1-12 (loud/soft 16’ Dulciana 1-12)